Captain Verify Review – Email Verification & More

Email marketers and businesses have to make sure that the email addresses of their clients are always valid. Sending a mass email without any regard to the quality of the list is too risky because it might not be received properly (marked as spam) or not received altogether (wrong email address). A good email validator is a necessity to maintain a quality list.

Fortunately, there are a good number of email checking tools online and they offer a wide variety of services aside from email cleaning lists. It's important to learn about their services and the prices they offer to help save on cost with the same service output.

A good website to consider for checking the quality of email addresses is Captain Verify ( The website is ideal for those with a very small number of email addresses to check. Captain Verify comes with an online checker that allows visitors to check three email addresses daily. If there's a need to check more, visitors simply sign-up for a free account and receive 100 credits. Unfortunately, three or 100 email addresses a day is not an ideal solution for email marketers. It will also require manually entering each email address which will require a lot of time.

Bulk Checking of Email Addresses

Captain Verify also offers bulk email validation for those who need to check hundreds of email addresses. The website offers two types of services: On Demand and Subscription Based. For on demand, the fees are based on the number of emails that needs to be checked. They also offer a subscription service with monthly billing. A customer can experience significant savings through annual subscription.

Uploading bulk emails for checking is fairly simple. Simply go to the website's dashboard and upload the email address as .txt or .csv file and wait for the result. The dashboard looks like this:

Captain Verify Dashboard

It's a pretty straightforward operation with an easy to understand graph after the scan. After the scan, simply download the file that comes with analysis.

Mobile Number Verification Services

Aside from email validation Captain Verify also comes with mobile number lookup with HLR service. This is an extremely useful tool for marketers that use SMS as part of their marketing campaign.

Simply put, mobile number lookup with HLR checks if the mobile phone is still active. HLR means Home Location Register - a form of data that associates a number to an existing mobile telecom provider. It's a very important service since this will prevent SMS marketing to invalid, blocked or numbers that are no longer in service.

An Affordable Option for Bulk Email Validation

Captain Verify offers competitive pricing on their bulk email checking compared to other major email validation tools. However, email marketers who are just looking for an effective and reliable email validation tool should consider using

Like Captain Verify, Bulk Email Verifier also offers one-time use or subscription service and they are both competitive when it comes to one-time use. However, the savings from Bulk Email Verifier is really significant when it comes to monthly subscription. Many email checking tools have a monthly cap on the number of emails that can be checked. Bulk Email Verifier on the other hand, has a daily cap on the number of emails.

For email marketers, offers a simplified solution for email validation. Their daily cap makes it really easy for email marketers to check their potential clients' email on a daily basis. With advanced tools for checking each contact information, customers can ensure their message reaches the right inbox.

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