Email List Validation Tool - An Email Marketer's Secret Weapon

Email marketing has a relatively simple business model: email potential clients of your products and hope for a favorable response. As long as they receive the email and it's a product the clients need or want, this type of marketing is definitely a home run.

But before sending out your first email, it's always important to take a second look at your email address list. Is it a reliable list? It's always good practice to double check the email addresses of your potential clients. As an email marketing, your business is on the line if you do not practice proper checking of email addresses.

Repercussions of Bad Emails

If you think email marketing is just sending out emails to your clients, think again. Email nowadays are being profiled by email account providers to prevent their users from receiving spam messages. Those who abuse the ability of sending an email will most likely be received as someone who sends spam messages. There are those who are ultimately blocked because of email abuse.

One of the ways an email account is being profiled is on the number of valid email addresses it sends to. Without a good email list validation tool it's extra challenging to remove every bad email address especially when you have hundreds of emails to check.

There are also good looking email addresses that may cause more harm than good because they are actually a "spam trap". For the unfamiliar, spam trap email addresses are email addresses included by companies on their website that look good on first check but they use it against web crawlers. If they receive an email to that address that means you are trying to communicate with them without prior engagement - an unsolicited email. Without an email checking tool, removing spam traps is a challenge.

Using a Good Email Checking Tool

Email marketing should be aided with a good email validation tool. Fortunately, there are a good number of websites that offer this type of service and more. The main advantage of these sites is that they offer more than just checking an email address for its validity.

A perfect example of a good site that offers email checking and more is The site is one of the reliable websites that offer bulk email checking.

The website's dashboard provides a good view on what to expect from their service. Simply upload the .csv list for checking, wait for the tool to run, view and download the result. The beauty of batch email validation is it comes with a detailed analysis because they don't just say that it's invalid - they also provide the reason why it's invalid.

Additional Services Offered

The beauty of online email checking services especially from is the fact that they don't just check bulk email addresses. They also offer individual email checking for those who would like to check a few emails without going through the bulk email validation process. It's a simple process that immediately gives a response. The single email checking can be integrated to a website or online app through JavaScript Widget or an API. This is highly recommended for email marketers and online businesses since this will prevent any bad email address from being used.

If you're just starting on email marketing or have been in the industry for years, you need a good email validation tool. Aside from bulk email checking, make sure to choose an email address checker that offers additional services. This will ensure that an email address is valid with more features without the need for additional payment. offers a good array of services to help every business and email marketer succeed.

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